Alma Afterschool Program Details for Families

Click here for Spanish translation of Behavior Expectations letter for Alma's Afterschool Program


Dear Alma Families with scholars enrolled in session #1 of Afterschool Programming:


We are excited to welcome your scholar to start our after school program for the 2024-2025 school year! The first session of Afterschool will run from Monday, September 30, 2024 - Thursday, December 19, 2024. Every grade level will have homework time followed by a club or activity daily. Additional, important details regarding the program can be found below. 

  • The program runs Monday -Thursday from dismissal time until 4:45 pm.
  • All elementary school scholars must be picked up at 4:45. Transportation is not available for grades K-5 participating in afterschool programs. All policies surrounding release of scholars at the end of the school day apply at the end of the afterschool program; only individuals listed on the Emergency Card will be permitted to pick up a scholar from onsite or offsite activities. 
  • Late Busing is available for qualifying Middle School (6-8) scholars ONLY. Middle school scholars who are not riding the bus must also be picked up at 4:45.
  • Late pickup may result in removal from the program.
    • Scholar & Family Handbook Reminder: If a family is 15 minutes late to pick up their scholar, the School will reach out to the scholar’s family to arrange prompt pickup. If a family is over 30 minutes late to pick up their scholar for dismissal or for after school, the School may contact the Department of Children and Families or the New Bedford Police Department.
  • For dismissal changes call 774-762-4770 by 12:00.

There will be no after school on the following dates:




  • Oct. 14 (No School)
  • Oct. 21 (No School)
  • Oct. 24 (Staff in evening PD session)
  • Nov. 5 (No School)
  • Nov. 7 (Family Conferences)
  • Nov. 11 (No School)
  • Nov. 27-28 (No School)
  • Dec. 5 (Staff in evening PD)
  • Dec. 12 (Celebration of Learning)

After School Session #1 will run through Dec. 19th, then Session #2 will begin Jan. 13th through May 29th

If you no longer wish for your scholar to attend afterschool, please reach out to us as soon as possible, as this will allow us to let scholars off the waitlist. Thank you very much, and we look forward to working with you and your scholar after school!

After School Behavior Expectations

The following sections are excerpts from the Alma del Mar Scholar & Family Handbook, which applies to those participating in the Afterschool Program as these clubs and activities are a part of the programming operated by Alma del Mar. Scholars found to be in violation of the Scholar & Family Handbook during the Afterschool Program will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Handbook, as well as removal from the Program.

  • Alma del Mar strives to create a safe, welcoming and orderly environment in which every scholar can achieve his or her highest potential. Scholars are expected to make appropriate choices regarding their personal conduct on a daily basis and will be supported in their efforts to practice their best behavior. In both the classroom and the school as a whole, explicit rules and fair consequences govern scholar conduct. Alma del Mar is a charter public school, and as such, follows the same legal requirements and regulations as all Massachusetts public schools regarding discipline.


  • If a scholar is found to violate the code of conduct, the scholar will be subject to discipline, up to and including disciplinary referrals to the office, family communication or family meetings, and suspensions (compliant with procedures in Section XVII: Suspension & Expulsion Policies). Examples of violations of the code of conduct include, but are not limited to:
    • Non-responsive to multiple redirects
    • Refusal to accept earned classroom consequences
    • Leaving classroom without permission
    • Major disruptive behavior that puts the physical or psychological safety of scholars or staff at risk (yelling, swearing, hate speech, throwing chairs, desks, or other objects, etc)
    • Destruction of school property
    • Physical aggression, with or without the intent to harm peers or staff (including fighting)
    • Threats of harm toward peers or staff
    • Repeated bullying behavior
    • Sexual harassment toward peers or staff
    • Possession of weapons, drugs, or alcohol


  • Alma del Mar’s goal is to create a school culture in which scholars feel welcomed, celebrated, and are able to do their best work. Therefore, behaviors that interfere with the safety and well-being of the school or interfere with the teaching or learning processes will not be tolerated. Alma staff provide a range of support services in order for each scholar to be able to learn and grow each day. 

Enrollment and Attendance

  • Scholars who are absent without excuse during the school day will not be permitted to participate in afterschool programming on that day. 


  • Scholars do not have to participate every day of the week in the after school program. If a scholar is enrolled in an activity on a given day, the scholar is required to attend that activity every week, unless the scholar has an excused absence from school or afterschool program. 


  • Scholars who repeatedly leave early or regularly miss the program, without excuse, will be required to withdraw for the remainder of the session. Excused absences from afterschool are those that result from medical appointments, illness or other serious medical events, required court attendance, death of a family member, school related absence (i.e. sports events, fieldworks, suspensions, verified high school visits), or observation of religious holidays.

Section XIV: Bullying Policy

Pursuant to M.G.L c. 71, § 370, Alma del Mar will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behavior, including any form of bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation, in our school buildings, on school grounds, or in school-related activities. Alma del Mar defines bullying in accordance with the Massachusetts bullying prevention laws and regulations. Alma del Mar will promptly investigate all reports and complaints of bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation and take prompt action to end that behavior and restore the target’s sense of safety. Alma del Mar will support this commitment in all aspects of our school community. Reports of bullying on the basis of a protected class, including race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and disability shall be investigated in accordance with the applicable Policy.

Appendix 1: Busing Policy Guidelines for Student Behavior


Bus Behavioral Expectations for All Scholars

As a K-8 school, all Alma del Mar school buses are mixed age. As such, it is critical that all scholars demonstrate safe behavior to ensure all scholars are physically and psychologically safe on the bus. Alma del Mar expects older scholars to demonstrate exemplary behavior on the bus, including refraining from bullying or unsafe behavior, being upstanders when scholars are violating bus expectations, and reporting any incidents to bus drivers or monitors, as well as reporting to the school.