Alma's approach to school safety

Dear Alma Families,

I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well. We are reaching out to address the recent tragic event at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, where a shooting resulted in the loss of four lives - two students and two teachers. Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and the entire Apalachee High School community during this incredibly difficult time.

We understand that news of this nature can be deeply unsettling, especially for parents and guardians who are concerned about their children's safety at school. We want to assure you that the safety and well-being of our scholars are our highest priority, and we take proactive steps to ensure our school remains a safe haven for learning and growth.

  1. Safety Protocols: Our staff recently completed comprehensive safety training. Both of our school buildings are regularly evaluated by police and fire departments to ensure they are secure.
  2. Open Communication: We encourage open dialogue about school safety. If you or your child have any concerns, please reach out to your child’s school directly.
  3. Supporting Your Child: We understand that children may have questions or feel anxious about this news. We've provided our staff with resources on how to discuss these events with scholars appropriately. We encourage you to have open conversations with your children as well.
  4. Counseling Services: Our school counselors are available if your child needs additional support during this time. Please reach out to your child’s school directly to arrange support from a counselor.

To help you discuss this event with your child, we recommend the following resource:

  • Talking with Children About Violence: Guidance from the National Association of School Psychologists on how to restore a sense of safety for children in the aftermath of a violent event.

Our strength as a school community lies in our unity. Together, we can ensure that Alma del Mar remains a nurturing environment where your children can learn, grow, and feel safe.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership in your child's education.

In Service,

Taylor DeLoach

Executive Director