Meet Ms. Pasquale!

What made you decide to join the Crew at Alma?
Growing up attending a charter school myself, I had the privilege of meeting amazing people of all different backgrounds and joined a welcoming community. After looking into Alma del Mar and their beliefs and values, I knew it would be a great fit because of their sense of togetherness and support for all people.

What do you hope to contribute to Alma?
I hope to contribute a warm and welcoming approach where students and educators feel comfortable and accepted for who they are. I hope to provide all types of support and empathize with those in need. It is important for me to contribute to the inclusion of diversity and acceptance of everyone.

What teacher made a difference in your life, and how?
In college, a professor of mine made a huge impact in my life because she took the time to sit with me and discuss what we had learned in the previous class and answer any questions I had. No matter what time of day it was, before or after class, she was always there to support me. In the class, I was struggling to understand the material and she generously guided me in one on one support. I have never received that kind of support from a teacher before, someone who was so dedicated to my success and well being.

Why did you become involved in education?
I became involved in education because I put my two passions together. Helping others and working with students.

Where did you go to college or post-secondary school?
Stonehill College

What did you like about your college?
I liked how it was a smaller school that had a tight community where everyone felt welcomed and knew most people when they saw them in the hallways. I enjoyed the sense of belonging and how it felt like a second home.

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite book?
Six of Crows