Meet Ms. Mastroianni!

What made you decide to join the Crew at Alma?
I was drawn to the community that the school is building!

What do you hope to contribute to Alma?
I'm a big fan of the arts, and hope to establish clubs for scholars that help them explore their creative style!

What teacher made a difference in your life, and how?
Ms. Pereira, Ms. Zajac, Ms. Schusser, Mr. Lynch, Paul, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Brunelle, Ms. Barker, Mr. Apperson, Dr. Fozi, Dr. Zimmerman, there are too many to say! All of these teachers and professors have profoundly impacted my life, and I am still in contact with all of them despite having known them at different points of my life. They all pushed me to do my best and never stop being myself. They provided safe haven for weird kids, and they mean the world to me!

Why did you become involved in education?
I want to help kids feel safe expressing who they are. Every child should have someone in their corner who encourages them to explore their interests and be true to themselves.

Where did you go to college or post-secondary school?
Bridgewater State University

What did you like about your college?
I loved that the students were allowed to find ways to express themselves through their extracurricular activities and organizations. The university has over a hundred student run organizations, all catering to diverse interests. I especially appreciated the commitment of the student body to making sure student voices are always heard by administration.

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite book?
The Rowan by Anne McCaffrey