Meet Miss Richard!

What made you decide to join the Crew at Alma?
The atmosphere is so inviting and welcoming. Classrooms appear to run smoothly. Also, Alma is very invested in their staff wellness and training.

What do you hope to contribute to Alma?
I'm very passionate about teaching and being involved in the school and community I'm working in. I'm looking forward to using my fun and creative energy to possibly start a new scholar club or work with colleagues to come up with some community events ideas :)

What teacher made a difference in your life, and how?
My second grade teacher, Mrs. Simon. I was a very shy child with a lot of anxiety, not just about school, but also outside social situations with new people and large groups. She really helped me come out of my shell and become comfortable in social situations, and I am a very social being today thanks to her!

Why did you become involved in education?
I love helping people and I enjoy working with children. There were several teachers in my school career that had a large impact on my love of learning and who made me feel comfortable expressing myself through writing and art. I have always enjoyed building trusting relationships with my students and supporting them where they are.

Where did you go to college or post-secondary school?
I earned my bachelor's degree from Bridgewater State University and my master's from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.

What did you like about your college?
I lived on campus as an undergrad and I loved the surrounding community. The campus was small so it was easy to make connections and get involved.
During my master's program, most of it ended up being remote due to COVID, so I did miss the in-person communication as the program was small and it was easy to

What is your favorite food?
Pasta and salad.

What is your favorite book?
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe