Updates to Alma's Cell Phone Policy

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Alma Families, 

We want to thank those of you who took the time to share your thoughts on our proposed revisions to the cell phone and electronics policy. Whether through the online survey or our in-person meetings, we found your feedback to be thoughtful and productive. Most responses were in favor of the proposal, and those sharing concerns gave us valuable information to consider as we finalized the policy.

Alma has always prioritized a productive learning environment free from distractions  — scholar cell phone use has never been allowed during the school day. The revised policy aims to strengthen how we ensure scholars do not use or get distracted by cell phones and other electronic devices  during the school day. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the updated policy:

How will scholar devices be stored during the day? Will they be secure?

We will use lockable cell phone storage boxes with labeled slots. Each scholar would be assigned a numbered slot for their device(s). These secure lock boxes will be kept in a secure location outside the classroom after scholars have put their phones away. Lock boxes will only be unlocked by the designated staff member at the end of the school day.

How can I get in touch with my scholar during the day?

As has always been the case, all communication should go through the front desk of your scholar's campus. This is the most direct and effective way to communicate any timely messages to your scholar or any school staff.

I want to communicate with my scholar while they are on the bus. Is that allowed?

Alma’s bus policy allows scholars to use devices in an appropriate manner (including communicating with family members along the route) while on the bus. Scholars will be expected to follow the Bus Code of Conduct as outlined in our Scholar & Family Handbook.

What if my scholar needs to get in touch with me during the day?

Our staff have always been and will continue to be advised to use their best judgment if a scholar is asking to contact their parent/guardian during the school day. If deemed appropriate, scholars will be allowed to go to the Front Desk to contact their parent/guardian.

If there is an emergency at school, how will I get in touch with my scholar?

If there is an emergency at school, teachers and administrators are trained in emergency response procedures. It is critical that families and emergency personnel receive accurate information directly from the school in case of an emergency. In an emergency, families can expect to receive information about their scholar's safety and other emergency procedures through our automated communication system or from emergency responders.

Why are smart watches included in this policy?

The goal of this policy is to increase scholars' ability to focus in class by removing distractions caused by electronic devices. Smart watches are similar to smart phones in capability of sending and receiving text messages, and therefore must be included in this policy. Analog watches or step counters that do not have internet capabilities are allowed.

What if my scholar uses an electronic device for a medical reason?

Please provide your school’s health office with any documentation about medical accommodations. The school nurses will work directly with families whose scholars require medical support. 

Please review the revised policy shared below) with your scholars prior to the start of the new school year. We ask for your partnership in highlighting the benefits that a cell phone-free school experience will provide: Improved ability to focus on learning, reduced distractions and negative effects of social media use, and reduced incidents of cyberbullying.

Updated Cell Phone Policy for 2023-2024 School Year

Cell Phones, Electronics, and Toys 

Alma del Mar scholars come to school every day to learn. As such, scholars are not allowed to bring objects to school, or to any school-related activities (such as field trips), which will interfere with their learning time and which have the potential to distract their peers. Examples of these objects include, but are not limited to: smart watches, tablets, e-readers, cameras, game systems, and toys. These items should not be sent to school with your scholar.

Alma del Mar is a cell phone-free environment. A cell phone-free environment reduces incidents of cyberbullying, reduces time on social media, and improves scholars’ focus on learning while at school. 

Scholars who bring a cell phone to school must turn it off immediately upon entering the school building and store it securely in school-provided lockers. All cell phone use, including texting, phone calls, taking photos or video, and social media use, are prohibited during school hours and while on school grounds. Cell phone use is also prohibited during afterschool activities.

If a staff member sees or hears a cell phone, electronic, toy, or other objects leading to distraction, they will confiscate it. The object may be returned to the scholar at the end of the school day. If a scholar is found to have prohibited objects on multiple occasions, a parent or guardian will have to come to the school to retrieve the item. If a parent or guardian must retrieve the item, the school will contact the family to inform them if an object has been confiscated. Multiple infractions may also result in further disciplinary action in accordance with our handbook.

Scholars may use the phone at the front desk to contact families if they have a legitimate reason to do so. In the case of an emergency, the school will make contact with families.

While not on school grounds or outside of school hours, Alma del Mar scholars must still abide by the code of conduct when using cell phones or other electronics to communicate with other Alma scholars, families, or staff. Any violations of handbook policy, including bullying and cyberbullying, are subject to consequences in accordance with this handbook. Please see Section V: Code of Conduct, Section XV: Bullying Policy, and Appendix 2: Busing Policy Guidelines for Student Behavior for more information.

Please note that, while Alma del Mar staff will take reasonable precautions to keep these objects safe, Alma del Mar is not responsible for these items after they have been confiscated. It is the parent and scholar’s responsibility to keep personal belongings safe by keeping them at home.